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Set Severity action

Available for event and alert workflows

This action sets the severity of an event or alert to a user-specified severity level.

The standard practice is to place this action after a filter in the Workflow trigger or an action such as Time Filter Action.

This action takes the following inputs:

  • Severity

    The severity level to apply to the event or alert.

Event example

Suppose that you want to set the severity level to "Critical" for all events coming from an important node during a mission-critical time window. You can do this by creating an event workflow with three actions - a Trigger, a Time Filter action, and a Set Severity action.

First, you set the Trigger to activate the workflow only on events coming from the important source node. Then you configure the Time Filter action to only continue the workflow when an event was created during the mission-critical time window.

Finally, you can configure the Set Severity action as follows:

  • Severity

    • Critical

This ensures that all events coming from the important node within the critical time range have severity set to "Critical."

Alert example

Suppose that you want all alerts for customers with a certain level of support contract to be automatically escalated to "Critical" so they can receive priority handling. You can do this with a workflow that has a Trigger action and a Set Severity action.

Configure the workflow trigger by selecting New or changed alerts (select Changes from anywhere) and adding a filter for your support level tag, like this: = Gold

Then, add a Set Severity action and choose "Critical" in the Severity list.

Alert before

Alert after

    "severity": 3,
    "": "Gold"
    "severity": 5,
    "": "Gold"