Install with Caching LAM

In HA architecture, LAM 1 and LAM 2 run in an active / passive mode for a HA polling pair, and in active / active mode for a HA receiving pair.

Your backend LAM integrations connect to a local two-node RabbitMQ cluster; polling LAM pairs additionally connect to a local MySQL two-node cluster. The Caching LAM does not require any outbound connectivity; remotely configuring inbound connectivity allows you to connect to the local RabbitMQ cluster to fetch messages from the bus.

HA architecture

In our distributed HA installation, the LAM components are installed on the LAM 1 and LAM 2 servers:

  • LAM 1: Local RabbitMQ node 1 and local MySQL node 1.

  • LAM 2: Local RabbitMQ node 2 and local MySQL node 2.

Refer to the Distributed HA system Firewall for more information on connectivity within a fully distributed HA architecture.

Install LAM 1

  1. Install Moogsoft AIOps components on the LAM 1 server.

    On LAM 1 install the following Moogsoft AIOps components:

    yum -y install moogsoft-common-7.3* \
        moogsoft-db-7.3* \
        moogsoft-integrations-7.3* \

    Edit your ~/.bashrc file to contain the following lines:

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/usr/share/moogsoft
    export APPSERVER_HOME=/usr/share/apache-tomcat
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
    export PATH=$PATH:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils

    Source the ~/.bashrc file:

    source ~/.bashrc
  2. Initialize the local Moogsoft AIOps RabbitMQ cluster node on the LAM 1 server.

    On LAM 1 initialize RabbitMQ: -pz <zone>


    For zone pick a value that is different from the one chosen for the main RabbitMQ cluster.

  3. Initialize the Moogsoft AIOps database.

    On LAM 1, run the following commands to create the Moogsoft AIOps databases and populate them with the required schema: -Iu root
  4. Configure system.conf on the LAM 1 server.

    1. On LAM 1 edit the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf file and set the and mooms.brokers properties with the following. Substitute the hostnames.

      "zone" : "<ZONE>",
      "brokers" : [ { "host" : "<LAM 1 server hostname>", "port" : 5672 },
                    { "host" : "<LAM 2 server hostname>", "port" : 5672 }
    2. In the same file, set the ha section as follows:

      "ha": { "cluster": "PRIMARY" },

Install LAM 2

  1. Install Moogsoft AIOps components on the LAM 2 server.

    On LAM 2 install the following Moogsoft AIOps components:

    yum -y install moogsoft-common-7.3* \
        moogsoft-db-7.3* \
        moogsoft-mooms-7.3* \
        moogsoft-integrations-7.3* \

    Edit your ~/.bashrc file to contain the following lines:

    export MOOGSOFT_HOME=/usr/share/moogsoft
    export APPSERVER_HOME=/usr/share/apache-tomcat
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/latest
    export PATH=$PATH:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin:$MOOGSOFT_HOME/bin/utils 

    Source the ~/.bashrc file:

    source ~/.bashrc
  2. Initialize the local RabbitMQ cluster node 1 on the LAM 2 server.

    1. On LAM 2 initialize RabbitMQ. Use the same zone as you specified for LAM 1: -pz <zone>
    2. Copy the /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookiefile from LAM 1 to the same location on the LAM 2 server and replace the existing LAM 2 cookie. Make the LAM 2 cookie read-only:

      chmod 400 /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie

      You may need to change the file permissions on the LAM 2 erlang cookie first to allow this file to be overwritten. For example:

      chmod 406 /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie 
    3. Restart the rabbitmq-server service:

      systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
    4. Run the following commands to form the cluster:

      rabbitmqctl stop_app
      rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<LAM 1 server short hostname>
      rabbitmqctl start_app

      The short hostname is the full hostname excluding the DNS domain name. For example, if the hostname is ip-172-31-82-78.ec2.internal, the short hostname is ip-172-31-82-78. To find out the short hostname, run rabbitmqctl cluster_status on LAM 1.

    5. Apply the HA mirrored queues policy. Use the same zone name as you specified for LAM 1.

      rabbitmqctl set_policy -p <zone> ha-all ".+\.HA" '{"ha-mode":"all"}'
  3. Run rabbitmqctl cluster_status to verify the cluster status and queue policy. Example output is as follows:

    Cluster status of node rabbit@ldev02 ...
    [root@ldev02 rabbitmq]# rabbitmqctl -p MOOG list_policies
    Listing policies for vhost "MOOG" ...
    MOOG    ha-all  .+\.HA  all {"ha-mode":"all"}   0
  4. Initialize the Moogsoft AIOps database for polling LAMs on the LAM 2 server.

    On LAM 2, run the following commands to create the Moogsoft AIOps databases, and populate them with the required schema: -Iu root
  5. Configure system.conf on the LAM 2 server.

    On LAM 2, edit the $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.config and set the and mooms.brokers properties as follows. Substitute the hostnames.

    "zone" : "<ZONE>",
    "brokers" : [ { "host" : "<LAM 1 server hostname>", "port" : 5672 },
                  { "host" : "<LAM 2 server hostname>", "port" : 5672 }

    For polling LAMs you must also populate mysql.failover_connections with the following:

    "mysql" :
                "host"                 : "<LAM 1 server hostname>",
                "failover_connections" :
                      { "host"  : "<LAM 2 server hostname>", "port"  : 3306 }

    In the same file, set the ha section as follows:

    "ha": { "cluster": "SECONDARY" },
  6. Set up Master-Master replication for the database for polling LAMs. Contact Moogsoft AIOps support for more information.

Set up a backend LAM HA configuration on LAM 1 and LAM 2

See Set Up LAMs for HA for instructions.