Configure the Message Bus

The Moogsoft Messaging System (MooMS) is the Message Bus component of Moogsoft AIOps and shares event data. This is subscribed to by the various Moolets.

The Message Bus is a publish-subscribe message brokering system implemented with RabbitMQ which uses AMQP, an open standard for message-orientated middleware, over TCP.

Message Handling

The Message Bus handles the data it receives (e.g. raw event data, new alerts, Situation activity etc) by placing it in queues, which are lines of messages waiting to be handled.

Moogsoft AIOps does not enforce any size or time limits on queues, so the maximum number of messages in a queue is limited by the available RAM and disk space on the server. It also depends on the size of the alerts and Situations being generated. The size limit is 128kb for Alerts and 64kb for Situations.

Once the maximum number of messages has been reached, the broker drops messages from the front of the queue to make room for new messages. By default, Moogsoft AIOps applications use exclusive transient queues. For example, if Moogsoft AIOps or the broker shuts down or dies then the queue and all of its messages are lost. Durable queues can be enabled using the message_persistence setting in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf (see Message Persistence).

For more information see the RabbitMQ docs on queues and queue length.

Default Configuration

By default, Moogsoft AIOps installs with a single RabbitMQ broker running on the same machine as the other components (LAMs, Moogfarmd, the Moolets, etc.).

The out-of-the-box configuration in $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/system.conf is as follows:

port: 5672
zone: <none>
username: moogsoft
password: m00gs0ft

The username and password always need to match the Message Bus broker configuration. If commented out, a default "guest" user will be used (guest: guest).


You can use zones, or virtual hosts, to share a single RabbitMQ broker cluster among multiple instances of Moogsoft AIOps.

If multiple instances of Moogsoft AIOps share a single RabbitMQ broker then each instance uses a different zone name to prevent message interference. In RabbitMQ, a zone is called a virtual host (vhost). Clients connecting to one vhost cannot see messages sent to a different vhost.

The default deployment does not use zones. If you specify a zone name, you must also configure a vhost with the same name in the RabbitMQ broker.

By default, Moogsoft AIOps clients connect to the vhost specified during setup with the "moogsoft" username and the password.

For distributed installations using multiple RabbitMQ brokers, this must be configured. A zone (vhost) name is required by the setup script. See Message System Deployment.

Message Persistence

You can control and minimize message loss during a shutdown or failure using the following settings in $MOOGSOFT_HOM/config/system.conf:


Controls whether the Message Bus persists important messages in the event of an application or message broker restart. This affects how the Message Bus handles messages.

Type: Boolean

Default: false


The number of attempts to re-send a failed message, used in conjunction withretry_interval.

Type: Number

Default: 100


The time to wait in milliseconds between each resend attempt. The combination of 100 retries and a 200 msec retry_interval gives a total of 20 seconds, which is typical duration for broker failover in a high availability environment.

Type: Number

Default: 200


Controls whether the message is cached internally and resent. If enabled, a message is cached is an initial retry, controlled by max_retry andretry_interval, is a failure.

Type: Boolean

Default: false


Specifies how many seconds a cached message lives in the cache list. The system attempts to resend any cached messages in the order in which they were put on the cache until their cache time-to-live (cache_ttl) value has been reached. Any messages not sent successfully sent is discarded. This value has a direct impact on sender process memory.

Type: Number

Default: 900


Defines the time to wait for confirmation from a RabbitMQ Broker that it has received the sent message.


Moogsoft advises you do not change this value.

Type: Number

Default: 2000