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High Availability Installation

Moogsoft Enterprise supports high availability (HA) architecture to improve the fault tolerance of Moogsoft Enterprise . You can use HA to enable redundancy and / or failover to minimize the risk of data loss.

Install an HA architecture

To install an HA architecture on Moogsoft Enterprise, you must:

  • Set up the database by installing and configuring:

    • The Percona XtraDB database that handles transactional data from other parts of the system.

    • HA Proxy to handle database query routing and load balancing.

  • Install the Moogsoft Enterprise packages and edit the configuration settings for:

    • Moogfarmd, the Moogsoft Enterprise data processing component. Moogfarmd:

      • Consumes messages from the Message Bus.

      • Processes events.

      • Reads and writes to the database and publishes messages to the bus.

    • RabbitMQ which provides the message queue. RabbitMQ receives published messages from integrations and publishes messages to Moogfarmd and the web application server.

    • Elasticsearch/Opensearch which provides the UI search capability. Elasticsearch indexes documents from the indexer Moolet in the data processing series and returns search results to Tomcat.

    • Failover between the two nodes of an HA pair. For example from one instance of Moogfarmd to another.

  • Initialize the User Interface (UI) which contains Nginx and Apache Tomcat. Nginx is the proxy for the web application server and for integrations. Apache Tomcat is the web application server that reads and writes to the Message Bus and the database.

  • Configure Link Access Modules (LAMs) to enable HA for data ingestion. LAMs parse and encode raw events into discrete events, and then write those discrete events to the Message Bus.

  • Set up a redundancy server to provide the third node required for HA for RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch/Opensearch and the Percona database.

  • Validate the installation and start your Moogsoft AIOps HA system.

Before you start

Before you start installing a Moogsoft Enterprise HA architecture:

  • Read the High Availability Overview to familiarize yourself with key concepts.

  • Decide on what type of HA install is appropriate for your use case.

  • Decide how much space you need for your HA architecture.

If you currently use the MySQL database, Moogsoft strongly recommends you migrate from MySQL to Percona XtraDB Cluster and HA Proxy.

HA Installation Types

How you distribute Moogsoft Enterprise components across your servers in your HA installation depends on your organization's needs. There are three types of HA installation:

  • Basic

  • Minimally distributed

  • Fully distributed

Contact Moogsoft if you are not sure which installation to use.

Before doing an HA installation, you must complete the pre-installation for Moogsoft Enterprise v8.0.x on each server.

Basic Installation

This installation has 3 servers. The primary and secondary clusters and the redundancy server all have their own server.

You should use basic installation with small uncomplicated systems with a low ingestion rate. For example, User Acceptance Testing or test environments.

See Basic HA Installation for more information.

Minimally Distributed

This installation has 5 servers and is identical to the basic installation, except that the primary and secondary cluster databases have their own servers.

You should use this installation if you need to separate the database from the rest of the cluster.

To perform a minimally distributed HA installation, follow the Fully Distributed HA Installation process, collocating multiple roles on the same server. You may need to run multiple sets of instructions on the same server for the corresponding collocated roles. There might be an overlap in terms of steps and if this is the case you only need to perform those steps once. For example, if you collocate Core 1 and UI 1 roles, you only need to configure HA Proxy once.

Fully Distributed

This installation has 10 servers. Every individual component has its own server.

You should use this installation if your system is large with high usage and high event ingestion rates.

See Fully Distributed HA Installation for more information.