Cookbook Recipe Examples

The following examples show how you can configure the different types of Recipe in the Cookbook clustering algorithm.

See Recipe Types for more details on the different Recipes available.

CValueRecipeV2 Example

The following example shows a Value Recipe V2 that clusters alerts with:

  • Alert source IDs that are 75% similar when breaking the source ID into shingles of four characters.

  • Alert descriptions that are 75% similar.

A shingle value of -1 or less means the Recipe compares the text similarity of entire words, rather than breaking the text into shingles. See Recipe Types for more details about the calculation.

    chef: "CValueRecipeV2",
    name: "SplitBySourceAndDescription",
    description: "Value Recipe outage",
    recipe_alert_threshold: 0,
    exclusion: "severity < 5",
    trigger: "severity > 3",
    seed_alert: "vertex_entropy > 0.8",
    rate: 0,
    #Given in events per minute
    min_sample_size: 5,
    max_sample_size: 10,
    cook_for: 5000,
    cluster_match_type : "first_match",
    matcher : {
        components: [
              { name: "source_id",   similarity: 0.75, shingle_size: 4 }, 
              { name: "description", similarity: 0.75, shingle_size: -1 }
CValueRecipe Example

The following CValueRecipe example shows a Recipe that can be used alongside a New Relic integration.

This recipe clusters alerts that have an identical source_id (hostname) every fifteen minutes:

    chef: "CValueRecipe",
    name: "New Relic Hostname Recipe",
    description: "Recipe to create situations based on 100% similarity of the hostname received from New Relic",
    recipe_alert_threshold: 1,
    exclusion: null,
    trigger: null,
    seed_alert: null,
    rate: 0,
    #Given in events per minute
    min_sample_size: 5,
    max_sample_size: 10,
    cook_for: 900,
    matcher: {
       components: [
              { name: "source_id",   similarity: 1.0, case_sensitive: true },