Configure a Recipe Manually

A Cookbook Recipe is a set of configurable filters, triggers, and calculations that defines the type of alerts and the alert relationships that Cookbook detects and clusters into Situations.

When you add Recipes from moogfarmd, you can only configure advanced properties such complex Cookbook such as calling Moobot functions. You can configure three recipe types: CValueRecipeV2, CValueRecipe and CBotRecipe. See Recipe Types for more details.

Refer to Cookbook and Recipe Reference to see the available properties.

Before You Begin

Before you set up your Recipe, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Your LAMs or integrations are running and Moogsoft AIOps is receiving events.

Create a Cookbook Recipe

Edit the configuration file at $MOOGSOFT_HOME/config/moolets/cookbook.conf to add a new Recipe or edit an existing one.

See the Cookbook and Recipe Reference for a full description of all properties. Some properties in the file are commented out by default. Uncomment the properties to enable them.

  1. Provide a name and description for the Recipe:

    • chef: Type of Recipe. Defaults to CValueRecipeV2. See Recipe Types for more information.

    • name:Name of the Recipe.

    • description:Text description of the Recipe that appears in each Situation.

  2. Configure the Recipe behavior and filters that define the alert relationships:

    • recipe_alert_threshold: Minimum number of alerts required before Cookbook creates a Situation.

    • exclusion: Filter that determines the alerts to exclude from Situation creation.

    • trigger:Filter that determines the alerts that Cookbook considers for Situation creation.

    • seed_alert: Filter that determines whether to create a Situation from a seed alert.

    • rate: Filter that determines the minimum event rate per minute required for Cookbook to create a Situation.

    • min_sample_size: Minimum number of events contained in a cluster before Moogsoft AIOps calculates the rate.

    • max_sample_size: Maximum number of events contained in a cluster before Moogsoft AIOps calculates the rate.

    • cook_for: Minimum time period that Cookbook clusters alerts for before the recipe resets and starts a new cluster. The Recipe cook_for value overwrites the Cookbook cook_for value.

    • cook_for_extension: Time period that Cookbook can extend clustering alerts for before the Recipe resets and starts a new cluster. The Recipe cook_for_extension value overwrites the Cookbook cook_for_extension value. Setting this value enables the cook for auto-extension feature for this Recipe.

    • max_cook_for: Maximum time period that Cookbook clusters alerts for before the Recipe resets and starts a new cluster. The Recipe max_cook_for value overwrites the Cookbook max_cook_for value. If cook_for_extension is set and this value is not set, it defaults to three times the cook_for value.

  3. Configure the alert matching properties for the Recipe:

    • cluster_match_type: Defines how Cookbook matches alerts to clusters.

    • hop_limit: Maximum number of hops between the alert source nodes in order for the alerts to qualify for clustering.

    • components: Define additional configuration such as case sensitivity for CValueRecipe and shingle size for CValueRecipeV2.

Restart the Moogfarmd service to activate any changes you make to the configuration file. See Control Moogsoft AIOps Processes for further details.


See Cookbook Recipe Examples for example configurations of different Value and Bot Recipes.